I got a few more updated renderings last night of the control panels for the arcade cabinet. A few more details are in them that weren’t in the prior ones. These now have the CNC layout for the additional “Add Credit” buttons, the pinball buttons, and the holes for the USB ports.

The pinball buttons in the side panels on the right are probably in the wrong spot, as the “comfortable” position is about 4″ in from the corner. I’m waiting back on what the measurements are there, but I think that’s more like 5-6″.

One issue I noticed in this rendering is that the right hand (Player 2) controls on the 2 player control panel seem to be a clone of the left hand controls. The CAD drawing I put together actually has them rotated slightly, so a player using them can sit six or ten inches further to the right without having their wrist at a weird angle. I’ve followed up on it to make sure its either a) an illusion because of the rendering or b) gets corrected.

The USB ports may need to move, as I’m not sure there’s enough clearance under the trackball and joystick to get the jack and the USB cable in. My original plan was to have them on the side of the panels that faces the “front” of the cabinet, but had Haruman move it to the bottom so they’d be out of sight. If they don’t actually fit, I’ll probably move them to the cabinet itself under the panels.